Packing for the 2019 Solar Overstock Trips

by Mitch Serone
Travelling to remote destinations means that you are far from home, and all your belongings. The best viewing locations for the 2019 solar Overstock Trips are within the La Serena region of Chile – primarily a domestic travel area with a lower standard of accommodation and infrastructure than would normally be expected by...

Discovering the Sacred Valley, Peru

Discovering the Sacred Valley – Guest blog by Ben Garcia, Nomade Unique Experiences Peru, the most iconic destination in South America, home of Machu Picchu and the heritage of the Incan Empire, a gastronomy that inherited its innovation, mix and flavours from Peru’s history, and nature that excites. But there’s much more to explore, there’s...

Antarctica – Top Reasons to Fly Cruise

By Barron Powers
Antarctica is one of those destinations that everyone dreams of visiting. From childhoods pining over penguins and school years fascinated by icebergs, explorers and wildlife documentaries it’s easy to fall into a life-long romance with the seventh continent. The dream can become a reality with just a little planning and there are...

What are the Different Ways to go on Safari?

By Jamie Sunder
Going on an African safari is an experience like no other. Getting to see some of the world’s most exciting and unique animals in their natural habitat is a dream come true for most people, and once you factor in the beautiful landscapes and vibrant local cultures you truly have the trip...

Captivating Colombia: Top 5 Reasons to Visit

By Mitch Serone
When I told people that I was going on holidays to Colombia the questions were always the same. Outdated references to Pablo Escobar, gang warfare and drugs always emerge with most of my friends and family having based their entire knowledge base on Colombia from watching a series or 2 of Narcos....

Four of the Best Hotels of South America

by Rachel Macen
When planning a holiday, it’s easy to delve straight into researching all the sightseeing options and day trips, sometimes dismissing accommodation. We tell ourselves the hotel is just a bed to sleep in, thinking you won’t spend much time in your hotel room.  That’s often the case on an action-packed holiday, where...

Mashpi Lodge provides a truly wonderful experience

Overstock Trips’s ‘Top 5’ Lodges of Ecuador

by Mitch Serone
I’ve just returned from an incredible trip to Ecuador which is surely South America’s most underrated country. Most people just think of the Galapagos when they visit Ecuador and that’s their loss as there are so many incredible places and experiences that an adventurer can seek out. I can’t think of any other country...